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Poetry Workshops
Mr Peek's poetry workshops aim to introduce children to poetry in a fun and engaging way and at the same time help them to, "...Develop pleasure in reading, {and the} motivation to read...".
How does the day unfold?
At the start of the day, Mr Peek usually holds an assembly, either for the whole school or, in larger schools (or when his visit lasts for more than one day), separate assemblies for KS1 and KS2. During the assembly, the children get to know him as he performs several poems (both fun and serious) and explains that he will be working with them later to help them write their own poetry which they can share with their friends, peers and classmates.
What happens during workshops and who are they for?
During the Workshops, which are normally between 35-50 minutes long, students are introduced to poetry in an amusing and interesting way. They play word games, practise rhyming and are encouraged to write and share their own poetry. These poems might be Acrostic Poems, Shape Poems, Rhyming Poems, Alliterative Sentences, Kennings Poems or Haiku. Some Y6 classes have even written Sonnets.
The workshops are suitable for all primary school age groups from Reception to Y6 and are tailored to suit the different ages with lighter, more rhythmic poems for KS1 and more varied, complex and sometimes 'scary' poems for the older year groups.
Mr Peek can normally work with the whole of a One-Form-Entry School during one day of workshops. He often spends more than one day in larger schools but is also happy to work with specific year groups or with larger groups in a hall.
(Please see Testimonials Page for more information)
Fee for the WHOLE day 2023/24:

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