Day Off
I want to have a day off
With my mum and dad
I wish they were less serious
I wish they were more glad
I want them both to sit down
And do something with me
I want my mum and dad
To be a bit more free
Why can't they just stop rushing
Around the whole day long
When I sing Row, row, row your boat
Why won't they sing along?
I want to have a day off
And play a game or two
Or maybe do a puzzle
And then mess it up with you
I just wish mum would put down
Her stupid mobile phone
Whenever she checks FaceBook
She leaves me all alone
And dad he's always busy
He's got so much to do
Can't we please have a day off
Just mum and me and you?
So come on mum and dad
I'm growing up so fast
And soon my little childhood
Will just be in the past
Please can we have a day off
Where we can laugh and sing
Or maybe read a book or two
Or simply do nothing.
It's all I really want
And it's all we really need
Just a tiny little day off
Would be wonderful indeed.